Getting a Sick note in South Africa – Get Tested South Africa
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Getting a Sick Note in South Africa

Request a sicknote online and have one of our doctor review your request. 

 Your convenient & legitimate way to get a sick note issued by a  registered doctor.

Order & Request a sicknote Learn more

Where can I get a doctors note?

Our online doctor's note service in South Africa eliminates the need for clinic visits and long waits. If your require a sick note due to illness you can simply place a request today with our medical team. 

How do I get a valid sick note in South Africa?

You will receive a digital copy of the sick note via email.The note will include the doctor's signature as well as the contact and practice information, ensuring that your employer/organization can readily address any inquiries or concerns.

How to get a sick note online 

In just four steps, you can get your doctor's note online from our team of registered medical doctor's based in South Africa.

Choose you duration

Choose the duration for which you'll require your certificate

Medical Assessment 

Once your order is confirmed, you will receive an email requesting you to complete a medical assessment

Doctor Review

An assessment by a medical professional is required before the certificate can be issued 

Receive Your Document

After 24 hours, a PDF copy of the sick note will be sent to your email

How long can I get a sick note for?

There are two options you can choose from when it comes to requesting a certificate.

Sick note for 2 days or less

  • Request a sick note for a duration of 2 days or less.
  • Cost: R150

Sick note for more than 2 days

  • Request a sick note for a period exceeding 2 days. A blood test will be included in the medical assessment
  • Cost: R450

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the doctor's note be sent directly to my employer?

In addition, we offer the option for you to include your employer's details so that the note can be emailed directly to them. 

Where can I get a sick note for work?

As long you are currenlty in South Africa or a citizen you can request a sick note from our service online. 

Can I request a sicknote for being absent from school?

In case of illness, our medical team can assist with sick note requests for school absences. You can simply place your request online. 

Is it legal & valid to get a sick note online in South Africa?

Yes, a sick note holds validity only when issued by a licensed medical doctor. Obtaining a doctor's note online is equivalent to the process of seeing your personal physician or making an in-person appointment.

What is a doctor’s note?

This is a medical certificate issued by a certified healthcare professional, serving as conclusive evidence of an individual's health status. It specifically outlines whether the individual is unwell or injured, necessitating a period of leave from work for recovery.

How much is a doctor's note in South Africa?

Scheduling a doctor's appointment can be expensive, ranging from R400 to R600, even for a simple consultation like obtaining a sick note. For individuals who only need a medical certificate and not a comprehensive physical examination, this cost and time investment can feel unnecessary and burdensome. Using our service elminates the need for costly appointments.

In South Africa, how much sick leave are employees entitled to per year?

In South Africa, the sick leave entitlement for employees is typically 30 days over a three-year cycle. However, the specific policies may vary between companies and industries, so it's always a good idea to check the relevant employment contracts or consult with the HR department for accurate and up-to-date information.

Still have a question?

We are here to help! If you have any questions about our service!